Indeed we are in a crucial time in the world where this may sound illogical but let’s take a look at what this means.


Process in itself means a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end. We may have a lot going on right now ranging from how to cope with this pandemic, how to handle working from home, staying indoors, how to engage the child/children, wondering where is the next pay check going to come from, how do I manage conflict resolution with my spouse, what happens to plans I put in place for the job, the house, your family and the list goes on.


The idea is not to focus on the many situations as glaring as they appear but to focus on what you can control and make happen. You may have a plethora of ideas you think can get you out of your present situation whatever that might be but I urge you to focus on the things you can control rather than having all that idea and no outcome. In essence work on what you can change and wait for it to manifest. During the period of waiting, what should you do?.


Trust! Trust! Trust! Trust that what you have done is up to the mark and wait for the outcome. Trust that your efforts were good enough to get the required results. And if it doesn’t give you what was intended, still trust knowing that you will make it through (process over outcome).


Most importantly, learn from your process the lesson that would be thought for therein lies your victory and path to doing greater things whatever it might be or mean to you.


Someone said, and I quote ‘Each day is an opportunity to get 1% better. Consistently taking small steps in the right direction leads to big results over time’

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