Expectations!! Expectations!! What are YOUR expectations?? Expectation means a strong belief that something will happen. A belief that someone will or achieve something. Again I dare to ask. What are your expectations?.


We live in a world where people strive for approval in the least likely manner. No matter how low one stoops if the world approves then you are fine. But what if they do not approve? What if you get rejected or dejected? What do you do then?? Let’s all get off the ‘seeking approval’ horse and just do YOU. Don’t get me wrong, approvals are great when it’s coming from a good place with the right perspective as this helps you aim higher.


What am I trying to say? Get your acts together, be your own cheerleader, celebrate your victories and achievements either big or small. When this is done, you begin to expect more from you and see yourself and what you CAN achieve in another light.


So whether it is trying to be a better mum, dad, wife, husband, child, brother, sister, friend, colleague, boss etc, expect to achieve this on a GREATER scale.


Change your perspective, talk to YOU, and see beyond the now. For it is quite possible that things can turn out far greater than you imagined. So come out of your normal and do something great, whatever this means to you. As a saying goes “When you do great things, Expect greater things. None of your works are done in vain. You will achieve what you set forth to accomplish.” Let me add this, build your expectations and SOAR and EXPECT GREATER.

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